Breakthrough copywriting “swipe drive” solves the 7 problems crippling copywriters
Makes other swipe files obsolete. Tested by scores of marketers, copywriters and copy chiefs
Product discontinuation sets up one-time $600 savings
Why am I knocking $600 off the most powerful copywriting asset you may ever get your hands on?
There are three good reasons.
First off, you’re a valuable subscriber.
Second, you’ve never taken me up on the “swipe drive” offer before.
Maybe you missed it.
Maybe the timing wasn’t right.
Perhaps, the pot wasn’t sweet enough.
Or maybe I failed to convey the startling copywriting power that lets you single handedly outperform dedicated research departments… right from your computer.
And the last reason for the whopping savings?
I’m pulling the plug on this offer for good because of a new product that will replace it… at a much higher price.
But while the red countdown clock is still ticking, you can save $600 while you test (and profit) from the swipe drive… 100% risk free.
The case against swipe files
Each year, I spend a small fortune on subscriptions and product purchase.
Not because I’m lacking for products or newsletters, but to keep my name (and aliases!) seeded on direct mail buyer lists.
This keeps a steady flow of direct mail hitting my mailbox… from the tabloid-sized magalogs and big bookalogs of the major mailers… to direct mail from obscure marketers far and wide.
Experienced marketers and copywriters know you’ll learn more from one winning ad than you would from a thousand pages of theory. And copywriters have been using swipe files for generations: to get valuable ideas… save time… and hopefully… to stack the odds in our favor when it comes to pulling higher response for our own ads.
But after you’ve accumulated your 50th, 100th or 1,000th swipe you’re faced with the problem of diminishing returns.