No supplements for sale in this 1,971 word epic. This weight loss ad lasted the equivalent of several lifetimes (from 1992-2004) at a time when outrageous claims dripped off the page of almost every diet ad. This one is different. What are … [Continue reading] about 12-Year Diet Plan Control That Beat the Odds in a Sea of Charlatans
The Case Against Swiping Part 1 (UPDATE)
(JUNE 2022) I needed to pull an old rabbit out of a hat for a client recently, and THIS was the swipe... foundation for the promo... that leapt to the fore. Here's a hypothetical to demonstrate how powerful this little known headline is. … [Continue reading] about The Case Against Swiping Part 1 (UPDATE)
One of the All Time GREATS in the History of Food & Beverage Advertising
The Guinness Guide to Cheese is featured in the essential Ogilvy On Advertising. Yes, this is a brand ad and a damn fine one in the annals of food advertising. The layout with the photos and summaries of the various cheeses make for irresistible … [Continue reading] about One of the All Time GREATS in the History of Food & Beverage Advertising
Interview with an Under-the-Radar SUPER STAR Who Sold 200,000 Books a Year
You may not know his name, but if you ever picked up a newspaper or magazine ANYWHERE in English speaking North America from the 1990s through the 2000s... you saw his ads. His insertions ran in Parade, USA Today, AARP Bulletin, Globe, Christian … [Continue reading] about Interview with an Under-the-Radar SUPER STAR Who Sold 200,000 Books a Year
Copy That TRANSCENDS the Product for Sale Part 2 (“Your Silver Passport to Travel the World”)
Silver is HEATING up as the dollar continues to bleed and inflation ratchets up. You'd need a small warehouse of these silver rounds just to service the debt for a mere hour on the $30 trillion of U.S. debt. But that's a topic for another … [Continue reading] about Copy That TRANSCENDS the Product for Sale Part 2 (“Your Silver Passport to Travel the World”)
Jeff Paul’s Greatest Story Selling Ad… and What’s Become of Him
This direct mail package might as well have been written a lifetime ago, instead of the the early to late 2000s, when it mailed heavily. Look at all that's changed. … [Continue reading] about Jeff Paul’s Greatest Story Selling Ad… and What’s Become of Him
From RED HOT Lead Gen that Rocked Response in the Silver Market… to a 3,300 Word Double Page Spread (Dan Rosenthal Dynamite)
This financial lead generation took the world of print by storm in 1974. I'm virtually certain it's the work of copywriting legend, Dan Rosenthal. This 330 word ad to the left was so successful at sucking out red hot leads in the silver market … [Continue reading] about From RED HOT Lead Gen that Rocked Response in the Silver Market… to a 3,300 Word Double Page Spread (Dan Rosenthal Dynamite)
The Power of Demonstration… During a SEISMIC WAVE of Demand
The great mail order copywriter, Gene Schwartz said: "You can't create demand, only channel it." And after the World Chess Championship in Iceland in August of 1972, there was a tidal wave of demand for learning how to play chess. The title had … [Continue reading] about The Power of Demonstration… During a SEISMIC WAVE of Demand
In Memory of a Marketing Legend (Joe Sugarman 1938-2022)
This entry demands some reflection before pushing the "publish" button. I've learned SO much about marketing and life from Joe Sugarman. (I couldn't keep it together for this picture, ergo, the goofy look on my face.) I'll be writing soon on … [Continue reading] about In Memory of a Marketing Legend (Joe Sugarman 1938-2022)
Copy Test: “Write If You Want Work” (UPDATE)
In 2016, I was having lunch with European marketing magnate and world class value investor, Norman Rentrop. Norman is remarkably down to earth, so you might not take him for a billionaire... UNTIL you spend a few hours with him, observe his … [Continue reading] about Copy Test: “Write If You Want Work” (UPDATE)
Charlie Allen’s AMAZING Golf & Fishing Advertorials
This was one of the most successful advertorial series of all time. NGC Sports were BIG TIME in sport fishing and golf and had TENS of thousands of insertions in everything from local newspapers... to trade publications like Oklahoma Farm … [Continue reading] about Charlie Allen’s AMAZING Golf & Fishing Advertorials
“525 Castles & Palaces $15” (“Ogilvy Orchestration” Travel Advertising)
It doesn't get much better than Ogilvy's travel advertising from the 1960s through the 1980s. And who better than the famous Scotsman to promote the British Tourist Authority? How I wish I could go back in time and REPLY to receive one of these … [Continue reading] about “525 Castles & Palaces $15” (“Ogilvy Orchestration” Travel Advertising)
“What would your profits be if you didn’t have to pay any taxes?”
How is this for a HOT headline? "What would your profits be if you didn't have to pay any taxes?" It definitely gets your greed glands going. This ad was part of the legendary BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT series from Ogilvy & Mather for the … [Continue reading] about “What would your profits be if you didn’t have to pay any taxes?”
The Genius of Joseph Segel and The Signed First Edition Society
Joseph Segel created over 20 businesses over the past 70+ years, including The Franklin Mint, QVC, National Business Services, and the ritzy Le Mirador Resort in Switzerland. One of the great lessons of his career: "If you want a home run, you … [Continue reading] about The Genius of Joseph Segel and The Signed First Edition Society
Bruce Barton: The Advertising Copywriter
There's been a lot written on Bruce Barton, so I figured I'd add a small piece to the pile. Bruce Barton packed a lot into one lifetime. He was... * Chairman and co-founder of one of the world's largest advertising agencies, BBD&O * … [Continue reading] about Bruce Barton: The Advertising Copywriter
Jewish Adman Swipes a Catholic Saint? “Seven Deadly Advertising Mistakes”
Thomas Aquinas spelled out the Seven Deadly sins or vitia capitalia (capital sins) in the 13th Century. Pride, covetousness, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, and sloth. (I've only nailed down four of these within the last hour.) 800 years later, … [Continue reading] about Jewish Adman Swipes a Catholic Saint? “Seven Deadly Advertising Mistakes”