Here’s an ad Ted Nicholas wrote 20 years ago for Howard Shenson’s book, the “Complete Guide to Consulting Success.”
Ted has probably conducted more split run tests and knows more about space advertising than just about anyone in direct response marketing. For my part, I must’ve purchased just about everything he’s put out.
Ted’s copy is timeless. Notice how Ted masterfully breaks down the consulting process into fast reading and captivating bullet lists. Pay heed here: for many informational offers, a bullet list often outpulls blocks of dense ad copy. Look to Mel Martin’s copy for Boardroom and Bud Weckesser’s for Green Tree Press for further examples.
Ted whets your appetite throughout the ad, rounds out the bulleted lists with a juicy quote from the L.A. Times, tosses in an irresistible bonus and then closes with an unprecedented money back guarantee.
As direct marketers, we all know what the mark of a great ad is — after reading it, you place an order. I found a few copies of it left on while Ted is replenishing his supply.
Hi Lawrence,
I just wanted to THANK YOU!! for sharing these FABULOUS resources. Discovered your site from Ben Settle, an extremely generous man himself.
I have strong aspirations to become a copywriter, and today’s “rant” about becoming a consultant will be studied and acted upon (I hope).
I am totally confident that, one way or another, I can write ads that would out-sell 90% of Madison Ave. ad writers. I realize that’s probably NOT saying much, since an accomplished direct-response copywriter would have a much higher percentage than that.
But, to use a word I first heard from John Carlton, I haven’t yet earned my “chops”, so I had better be humble.
At any rate, I just wanted to thank you for your kindness, encouragement, and direction. There must be many people out there like me who need it.
Thanks again!
Chris H. McMorrow