At last, after a l-o-n-g and tedious migration to a speedier server, I’m able to post new content again.
And this is one I’ve been itching to share.
26 years ago, the mega ad agency, J. Walter Thompson, ran this full page copy test in the New York Times, entitled, “Write If You Want Work.”
The candidates who took them up were given eight unusual writing assignments. Out of thousands who sent in their answers, ten people passed and joined JWT’s 85 member creative team.
Billy Bloom was one of them and he’s generously shared his winning answers to all of the questions.
What’s instructive about this copywriting assignment — really creative thinking assignment — is the concept of playing without a safety net. It conjures up images of an open tryout for an N.B.A. team. Here’s the court, bring your game…now show us what you’ve got.
And Billy definitely brought his game. Just sample his rendition of “Moldy Pizza Night” (Hit the PLAY button below!) sung to an omnipresent 80’s melody. If this track didn’t get the ad execs’ attention, nothing would.
Here are all eight of Billy Bloom’s winning answers to the J.W.T. copy test. (1.9 megabyte PDF)
[mc id=”835″ type=”audio”]Untitled Media[/mc]
Hit play button for “Moldy Pizza Night.”
Margery Bloom says