No supplements for sale in this 1,971 word epic.
This weight loss ad lasted the equivalent of several lifetimes (from 1992-2004) at a time when outrageous claims dripped off the page of almost every diet ad.
This one is different.
What are the 15 fat-burning foods? You’ve GOT to read the ad.
“Here are the 15 fat-burning foods
that cause you to lose weight…”
A $24.95 report wasn’t chump change in the early 2000s, yet this ad kept selling with thousands of insertions.
This ad boasts the question and answer copy that was common at the time among many successful advertisers.
What’s the story with question and answer copy? When done right, the advertiser includes REAL questions that prospects repeatedly ask and answers them in the copy.
“Nutritionists have discovered that certain foods cause you to lose weight. These are foods with fat-burning calories. The more you eat, the more weight you lose. In a report that you can receive without obligation, you will discover what these foods are, why they cause you to lose weight, and how.
QUESTION: How can certain foods cause you to lose weight?
ANSWER: Experiments have shown that 15 particularly healthful and nutritious foods (some of which are vegetables and fruits) burn more calories than they contribute. So the more you eat, the more you burn off your excess weight. These foods (with fat-burning calories) are transformed into energy, not fat.”