The Billionaire’s Secret (Skousen Hedge Fund Trader) (8.8 megabytes, 12 page PDF)
This 12-page sales letter, without elaborate design elements or even a single sidebar, was mailed in a Number 10 envelope.
I’d bet dollars to doughnuts that Gary Bencivenga wrote this piece, not just because Mark Skousen was a long time client of his, but because the letter is so brilliantly written, and balances simplicity and persuasion with iron clad arguments.
The basic level of membership for the Skousen Hedge Fund Trader is $995 and the Premium version, “Best Deal” is $1,695.
What I really love about this promotion is while it’s targeted toward investors (and traders) with money, the concept for this service is simple enough to apprehend, even for those hard pressed to define “hedge fund.”
Anyone who’s ever owned or invested in a mutual fund knows the frustration of creeping gains that often seem microscopic and the agony of sharp losses that can happen in a single bad market session. And the crystal clear explanation given on page 4 between the “high absolute returns,” which hedge funds go after, verses the “high relative returns” of mutual funds sets up the rest of the letter beautifully.
While this mailed several years ago, careful study of this piece will pay dividends.
There are so many instructive passages in this letter, here are a few I’ve highlighted.
But let me be frank. This is not for everyone. If you tend to be a conservative, buy-and-hold investor, this service is not for you. But it is for you, if you are willing to monitor your positions regularly and are comfortable with short term trading.
It’s for those of you willing to set aside some money for the sole objective of beating the market by the widest margin in the shortest period of time. While the risk maybe higher, the rewards can be spectacular.
Having Your Cake…And Eating It Too
If enjoying all the benefits of hedge fund ownership without any of the costs, hassles or drawbacks sounds like a pipe dream, I understand. But I head up an elite group of traders who are doing exactly that.
Instead of shouldering the burdens of becoming a hedge fund shareholder, I’m going to share my best and most timely ideas with you, so you can execute these trades in your own brokerage account.
Imagine…you’ll be profiting in both bull and bear markets, using the same proven techniques as the world’s top hedgers.