Silver is HEATING up as the dollar continues to bleed and inflation ratchets up.
You’d need a small warehouse of these silver rounds just to service the debt for a mere hour on the $30 trillion of U.S. debt. But that’s a topic for another time. is one of CHAMPS at marketing to budding numismatists.
Actually, as a long time numismatist, I’ll tell you a little secret. Many respondents to coin and currency offers today, may not even know a numismatist is one who collects and studies coins, tokens and paper money. But once they get a taste of it… that hardly matters. REPEAT buyers make up a large chunk of business for GovMint and the thousands of other sellers and dealers… online and offline.
Most marketers are aware is NOT a government entity… rather they’re DARN good (as in world class!) marketers… along with their sister company, Stauer. definitely merits inclusion on a great company names list.
The advertiser harnesses the power of the collector’s impulse with an eclectic assortment of silver coins in this fine ad.
“Your Silver Passport to Travel the World”
“Travel the globe, without leaving home — with this set of the world’s five most popular pure silver coins. Newly struck for 2022 in one troy ounce of fine silver, each coin will arrive in Brilliant Uncirculated (BU) condition. Your excursion includes stops in the United States, China, South Africa, Australia and Canada.”
This is another great example of copy that transcends the product for sale, a la the Classics Club. The copywriter dimensionalizes the core benefit of precious metals ownership — by invoking the image of travel — both with the headline and the lead paragraph of copy.