The ‘cornerman’ to direct response players on 5 continents brings you…
And turn your computer into a “SWIPE DRIVE” of GIANT alternative-health mailbox controls
• Thousands of instantly searchable keywords and phrases in alt-health
• Saves countless hours on research and copy creation
• Hands you the world class direct mail knowledge
that’d take years and cost thousands to acquire
• Say good-bye to “the butterflies” no matter who
you’re writing for… or against!
• All NEW collection focusing on
Women’s, Men’s and Senior’s Health
• Includes BONUS: “Hotline Health!” FREE 3 month subscription
to the HOTTEST NEW alt-health promos!
From: Lawrence Bernstein
Tucson, Arizona, USA (81° F)
Wednesday 9:32 am
Dear Copywriting Friend,
How much easier would writing copy be with an endless stream of money-making ideas from control package copy… right at your fingertips?
Start by imagining the following:
- Imagine short-cutting your way to sales letters that sell in virtually any health niche.
- Imagine instantly turning up relevant ad copy from mail order’s top copywriters for any health promotion you’re working on.
- Imagine holding the road maps for selling everything from alt-health newsletters… to supplements… and everything in between.
- Imagine eliminating the roadblocks that plague even the best and ablest health copywriters.
- Imagine demolishing deadlines with the copywriting speed of instantly searchable controls… just a mouse click away.
- Imagine doubling… or tripling the number of members at your membership sites… with the power of proven direct mail copy and marketing.
- Imagine boosting your response rates… bumping your stick rates… and smashing control packages.
- Imagine having a vast midnight resource that gets the copy flowing… lifts response… makes your clients giddy… and keeps the projects coming.
Q: Are the ads in the Big Idea Health Swipes also included in your Ultimate Online Swipe File membership site?
A: No, the overwhelming majority are not in the UOSF, and the handful that are haven’t had every keyword extracted and made searchable, like the Big Idea Health Swipes.
Q: Do I need to be a highly proficient copywriter to benefit from the swipe drive?
A: Absolutely not! In the words of advertising legend, Robert Collier, “You’ll learn more from one winning ad than you would from a thousand pages of theory.”
Q: Are these ads current controls?
A: They’re a mix of current controls and long standing controls. You’ve got a complete swipe file for women’s health, men’s health, senior’s and boomer’s health… and the products range from supplements to newsletters. Best of all, these promos are evergreen.
Q: What if I have an older computer… can I still take advantage of the “swipe drive?”
A: Yes! I’ve tested the download, file extraction and swipe drive search on a cluttered up, seven year old lap-top now used by my kids. I was able to get up and running from scratch in 25 minutes and the swipe drive worked almost as fast as on a new, out of-the-box Mac. Obviously, you need space on your computer’s hard drive.
Q: What if I’m already a monthly member of the Ultimate Online Swipe File and pick up the Big Idea Health Swipes?
A: Your next month is gratis. And, you’ll receive a Christmas present from me… whether you pick up the Health Swipes or not.
Q: I’m not super tech savvy. Will you show me how to set-up the “swipe drive” on my computer?
A: The 9-page Quickstart guide in PDF shows you the step-by-step, whether you’re on a Windows computer or a Mac.
Q: Do I need any special software to use the swipe drive?
A: All you need is the free version of Adobe Reader which you should already have on your computer. Just don’t try using the swipe drive on your Iphone!
Q: Why is there no refund policy?
A: In the real world, there’s no reward without risk. But what are you really risking here? It’s taken me years and thousands of dollars — to say nothing of my specialized knowledge — to put this together for you. If you use it, it WILL increase your overall hit rate. Moreover, I’d be doing a disservice to the shaky few who need a refund policy — in the real world, they cannot ask the ad rep for their money back for an ad insertion or TV spot that bombed.
Q: How long will it take me to download?
A: It’s a big file — 867 megabytes. But if you want to save untold hours in future on world class research, let the file download in the background for 25 minutes while you watch the videos on getting your new swipe drive up and running. When the “Hotline Health” Bonus hits your inbox in October, it will be a much smaller file to add to your swipe drive but will swell it with new controls.
Q: Are the swipes in your Ultimate Online Swipe File membership site OCR compatible, so I can search inside the PDF… and add those to my swipe drive?
A: The incoming ones are and the rest will be converted over the next few months.
“Your new ‘swipe drive’ is to direct response copywriting what the jet is to air travel!”
Thank you for the Big Ideas Health Swipes!
I must confess, it’s always been a slow and long process to research health promotions, especially when I am looking for very specific kinds of promotions.
But now you’ve changed the how I – as a copywriter and creative director – do my research.
Your Big Ideas Health Swipes will speed up anyone’s research and idea generation.
It’s simply ingenious how I can narrow my research down to very specific words even. Right on my computer!
“Your new ‘swipe drive’ is to direct response copywriting what the jet is to air travel!”
Definitely a must for any serious copywriter.
Phillip Burmeister
Creative director & Copywriter
“Beaten A-list, world-class copywriting and design competition – 4 straight times.”
“Made a difference in my career.”
“Just keep on doing what you’re doing. Your site has helped me tons! It’s made a difference in my career.”
(Email extract from a financial copywriter on 1/18/13. I’m awaiting permission to use his name.)
“What it really takes to sell.”
If you want to learn what it really takes to sell – well, every single thing he shows has a lesson. I got two ideas this morning for something I am working on, which is actually a get-rich-slowly-but-surely educational service for marketers.”
Drayton Bird
Direct marketing legend
“Lawrence is the world’s greatest direct response ad researcher…
and one heckuva copywriter.”
Gary Bencivenga
Copy legend
“…I think will hit large.”
Brilliant examples, great commentary. This one just gave me an idea for a newsletter we’re about to launch that I think will hit large. I don’t know where you find this stuff, but I’m glad you do. Just so you know, I intend to talk up your site in my next issue of the Copywriter’s Roundtable. Terrific, generous stuff.
John Forde
A-List copywriter, author (and Parisian)
“$20,000 in just two weeks.”
Your manual has been instrumental in me writing an ad that generated over $20,000 in just two weeks, so cudos to you Lawrence.”
Dr. Ivan Carney, Temecula, CA
“If Lawrence has got a product for sale, you should get it!”
Marty Edelson
Founder of Boardroom Inc.
“…one crazy dude”
“You’re one crazy dude to do all this work, but until you get therapy, I’ll take advantage of it with glee!”
Dr. Jack Booman
(Leading chiro copywriter… and a darn nice guy.)
• Say good-bye to “the butterflies” no matter who you’re writing for… or against!
• The “Japanese copywriting secret” that makes readership irresistible
• Why “kookie cures” and “kookie combos” send readership (and response!) through the roof
• How to create “power” proof elements that will sell your products for years to come (The advertisers you’ll learn about know it. They use a 17-year-old TV segment to sell their supplements by the boatload.)
• Why readers fall for “11-cent response boosters” almost every time
• WHAT to say… and HOW to say it… to get prospects to BUY in Women’s Health… Men’s Health… Baby Boomer’s Health… and Senior’s Health
• BREAKTHROUGHS for beating exhaustion (even loneliness!) on tight deadlines… at midnight
• Say good-bye to the “blank page blues!” Ideas, inspiration and a world class swipe file are a click away!
• The secret to understanding the motivations and mindsets of the myriad of respondents in the alt-health market.
• BIGGER and bolder ideas… scintillating copy… and more FUN while you’re working… in just HALF the time
• Forget the old and tedious way of doing things… now, you’ll ride on the backs of the biggest mailers’ creative and research budgets… and let your copy shine like never before
Once you get the swipe drive set up on your computer, your copywriting creation process and research methodology take a quantum leap.
Best of all, you’ll have the iron-clad confidence and certainty that you’ll leave no stone unturned…. as you watch your hit rate climb… and turn around time plummet.
As the ex-captain of the English cricket team, Graham Gooch, once said:
“If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail.”
You’re only moments away from being better prepared than ever!