Legendary adman, Robert Collier, once said: “no one knows a winner until it mails.”
By the same token, you can learn more from ONE winning ad than you can from a thousand pages of theory.
Here’s one of the strongest controls from 2012 from Agora.
You can download the sales letter if you’re so inclined, or just take in the lead.
The Mother of All Financial Bubbles Is Popping, Right now.
The proclamation lead has grown in popularity and Agora makes frequent use of it.
There’s nothing wishy-washy here and effective financial DM rarely is.
That’s because most respondents in the financial newsletters market will go for a message with conviction, even if turns out to be wrong.
The proclamation combined with the vivid word picture of a bursting bubble — something ALL investors want to stay ahead of the curve on — is a powerful lead you’ll find in many control packages.
Take note of the “lift letter” from Bill Bonner (on page 23) that’s printed out in MS Outlook format. I had it sitting on my desk for a few weeks, apart from the main sales letter. Though I don’t use a mail program like Outlook, I assumed it was something important that I printed out for later reference! Simple yet brilliant.
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