Two Money Disasters That Could Strike on Saturday
(one of them could happen sooner!)
18 defensive investments and six complete investment plans that investment consultant, Harry Browne, believes will make money for you whether or not these disasters strike.
WHILE MILLIONS of Americans were jazz-dancing their way into bankruptcy during the 20s, a smaller number were preparing for a rainy day. And rain it did — for 10 years.
But for the farsighted few who knew what they had to do early in 1929 (take their cash out of the banks before it was too late…sell short…provide for themselves while the going was good) – for these sensible people, the depression wasn’t all that bad. Indeed, some of them made fortunes!
Well, Harry Browne says the signs are here again. (The signs are nothing more than a shrewd assembly of today’s headlines). If you were shaken by the financial events of the past few months, this book will offer you little solace. Browne sees worse things on the horizon. But he tells you exactly how to preserve your assets and actually multiply them in the darkest hours.
Plain Language Advice Any Layman Can Understand – and Act On
Because an investor (or anyone with just a savings or a checking account) cannot survive a devaluation without a solid understanding of the nature of our money system and just what happens to it in devaluation, Harry Browne spells it out in clear, everyday language free of technical jargon. He calls on his vast knowledge of economics, history, crowd psychology, and the way a welfare state misbehaves in a time of crisis, to show you that we may expect several economic cataclysms before the devaluation that is bound to come.
And he shows you what the effect will be on you, your job, or business, your personal finances, your family… shows you what your plan should be in each crisis — but always in light of the devaluation that is now inevitable:
- Continued inflation. What will have to happen to the supply of paper money if the present spiral continues. What this means to you. What steps to take right now, while there is time. What drastic measures you should avoid.
- Short-term recession. Popular hedges. What will happen to prices. Effects upon business. What this means to you. Certain profit sources that may remain intact.
- Depression. Will the next depression be deeper and longer than the last one? What will happen to personal credit? What this means to you. The collapse of the welfare state. Little known protective measures.
- Run away inflation. Guidelines to use if paper money becomes totally worthless. The only way out. A precaution you must start to think about today.
The very thought of these crippling events can numb the most determined investor, but those who lose from devaluation will be those do nothing, or who accept conventional investment advice. Those who come out ahead will be those who are not afraid to stand apart from the crowd. Who have taken the trouble NOW to understand why devaluation makes investing and protecting your money a whole new ball game.
How To Achieve Your Financial Goals — in Spite of Devaluation…And Because of It!
While unwily investors around you are losing their shirts because of devaluation, there is absolutely no reason for you to share in their plight. That’s why we call How You Can Profit From the Coming Devaluation a “selfish” book.
Browne’s sure-footed plan of defense and offense consists of six investments designed to give you:
- Good growth, not necessarily maximum growth, in assets during the present cycle.
- Protection, liquidity, flexibility, and buying power in the next depression.
- Safety and rebuilding power if we have a runaway inflation.
- An excellent profit from the devaluation itself.
- Peace of mind no matter what happens.
This 6 investment investment program can work for you, whether you can write a check for $5,000 or $100,000. Indeed, Browne breaks down the investment opportunities according to your present assets, shows you exactly how much to put into each of these investments.
- Cash and dollars – how much you need on hand, where to keep it, what to do about your checking account. Where not to keep a savings account.
- Swiss Francs. Their special strengths. How to convert your dollars to Swiss Francs easily. How to open a Swiss Franc bank account. Addresses and procedures. Laws.
- Silver coins. Numismatic value. Spending money. How much to keep in silver coins. Melting. Where to store. Where to buy.
- Silver bullion. How to use leverage to buy. Who will sell your bullion.
- Gold stocks. How this will profit you through three economic crises.
- Retreats. Why you need one. How to acquire a safe one.
Risk Free Examination
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Any ideas on which copywriter wrote the ads for Harry Browne?
I’m pretty sure the publishing house for several of Harry’s (both Browne and Schultz) books was a client of Dan Rosenthal’s ad agency in New Rochelle — there were a lot of sparkling writers there as we learned from Gary B.! 🙂 But who exactly, hard for me to even guess since it was so long ago.