Jason Lucas—Legendary Fishing Editor of Sports Afield Magazine—Reveals How To
Catch More Bass and Bigger Bass
…Return to the Dock Loaded with Bass—Even on Days Other Fishermen Keep Coming Back “Skunked”
How would you like the inside tips, the know-how tricks, the quick, simple techniques that mean more bass more often, more sporting fun from each bass caught, more sure fishing pleasure every day of your fishing life? How would you like down to earth, practical, plain word, man-to-man answers for just about any bass situation you may ever encounter? How would you like the kind of brass tacks information which must lead to your catching more fish?
“Miraculous” Catches From Knowledge of Bass and Their Ways
Reports keep coming in of astonishing increases in catches caused by fishermen simply following the tips of Jason Lucas. Of veteran fishermen getting bass of a size and in numbers that before seemed impossible. Of beginners learning more of the fine points of the game in one season than some old timers in fifty.
How would you like to know the right method that brought a phenomenal catch in the spot that the wrong method with the same lure failed to produce even a weak strike? Or what to do in the boat before even starring to fish to jump your fish catching chances?
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