About a year ago, one of my subscribers sent me a fascinating link to a series of interviews with legendary ad agency heads.
This series sponsored by Yahoo, features: David Ogilvy, Leo Burnett, William Bernbach, Lester Wunderman, George Gallup, Edward Ney, Burt Manning and a host of other advertising heavyweights.
One of the most memorable comments comes from David Ogilvy in the second interview/webcast.
As a young man, Ogilvy wanted desperately to work for the agency he idolized more than any other: Young & Rubicam. But he says he had neither the “qualifications” nor the “credentials” and “didn’t dare ask.”
So the only alternative was start his own agency. And that he did…surpassing Young & Rubicam in revenue.
Interestingly, Lester Wunderman, the first to coin the term, “direct marketing,” also expresses the same inadequacy as David Ogilvy about his start in advertising.
Allen says
Someone know where can i get these videos from ?