Google has just released their new keyword tool and it looks to be the nail in the coffin for many of the subscription based keyword compilers, much as Google Analytics was for web analytics companies.
Here is an example of just how valuable this new tool is to website owners.
Suppose a tour operator in Rome wanted to optimize his website for the search term, “Rome excursions,” believing this to be his main keyword.
When the term is entered into the keyword tool, it reveals there were 46 times more Google searches in June 2008 for the synonymous keyword, “Rome tours.”
Besides being free, the keyword data coming from New Google Keyword Tool is from Google itself and not from a diluted search engine aggregator. Perhaps, most valuable is the graphical insight you can get on advertiser competition and keyword buying opportunities.
Does anyone know if Google has a new fangled way of combating query spam which seems likely to increase with the advent of this great new tool?
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