Imagine two companies selling the same widget.
Company A has seasoned copywriters who can write the paint off the walls, plus unmatched graphic design talent.
Company B has a lone copy cub and a kid still learning what a proper layout looks like.
Based on this brief tale-of-the-tape, most would expect Company B’s promotion to be KO’d by the creative pros of A Company.
But Company B dug far deeper into the market and discovered the “right appeal.”
What’s the right appeal?
It’s the key motivation that causes someone to desire your product more than the money they exchange for it.
And if you take the time to nail the right appeal, you don’t need A-List creative to make a mint selling your product.
One of my favorite ads, showcasing the power of the right appeal, was written in the gloomy days of food rationing during World War II and ran straight through the start of the baby boom. The ad struck at the white hot appeal of the hope offered by country living at a time when city dwellers were looking for ways toward security and abundance to raise their families.
The ad copy was written over the course of a summer by mail order team, Lyman Wood and Wally Boren and the drawing, which visualized the dream of country living, was sketched in a lunch hour by a young J. Walter Thompson art director, Johnny Cook.
Everything from art work to the naming of the product to the word pictures conjured up in the body copy targeted the fear and uncertainty most of the population was feeling during war time. People were searching for an alternative and the “Have More Plan” offered it in spades.
You can click on the thumbnail above to download a PDF of the ad.
This is the way I want to live — the rest of my life!”
Mrs. Robinson, Jackie and I just want to tell you how we’ve learned to have more happiness, more living and more security than 99% of this world’s families have ever had!
I guess this sounds boastful, but I don’t mean it so. It is just the enthusiasm we have for the Plan we’ve worked out. We call it our “Have-More” Plan because that’s how it works for us…we’re having more of just about everything that makes life worth living!
Our “Have-More” Plan is the true story of how we Robinsons moved from the city four years ago to our 2-acre place in the nearby country to find a “little land and a lot more living” while I kept a full-time job in town.
It tells how we grow most of our family’s food in spare time — have fun doing it — have better living — more sunshine and fresh air– more peace and quiet — more security and independence — more of just about everything!
All the Details
Our “Have More” Plan contains over 50,000 words, 73 illustrations, many actual photographs of our own place. And I’ve kept the price as low as I possibly could, only $1.00 postpaid.
It tells just how we do everything — all our short-cuts, ideas, labor saving methods — how it takes us only an hour or so of spare time a day to have tender chicken to eat, plenty of really fresh eggs, a wonderful garden with a lot less work, delicious rabbit meat, rich milk, butter, cream from our miniature dairy, tasty ham, pork, bacon, sausage, geese, turkeys, squab, spring lamb, honeybees, fruit trees instead of shade trees, luscious grapes, raspberries, strawberries, etc. — how we use the latest, easiest preserving methods, including quick freezing.
Are You Planning a Hew Home?If you are planning to build, remodel or buy a home. I can’t urge you too strongly to send for a copy of our Plan — it can save you hundreds of dollars, many costly mistakes! Our Plan shows you that the ordinary “house and lot” is as out of date as the horse and buggy. Shows you just how to go about finding a place like ours with an acre or so of land, how to choose the right location, how to save money in spite of today’s high building costs, how to get started now, how to lay your place out, how your house should be specially planned, how to finance your place on a small amount of cash! Dozens of other things you’ll be thankful to know about.
No “Magic” About It
Now please don’t get me wrong. This is no “crack-pot theory” on how to make an easy living. I suppose that if you absolutely had to, you could live a long time entirely on a small place like our two acres. But that would be just existing, not really living.
You’ve got to have some cash income from a job or a pension or a small business of your own. What I’m saying is that with my “Have-More” Plan you can make a small cash income into the best and happiest kind of a living any family could want. That’s WHY we call it our “Have-MORE” Plan.
Will You Join Us?A friend said the other day, “Ed, why do you bother with other people? Why don’t you settle down and just enjoy your own job and your ‘Have More’ Homestead? Why try to spread it all over the country?” I may sound silly trying to tell you why. This is my job now. I am putting full time into gathering information on country living …for ourselves and others. I feel, somehow, that right now the U.S. needs all the help it can get toward happiness and peace and security.
I’ve got a boy I want to see grow up in a good country, and if ten or twenty million American families can get set the way the Robinson family is, I don’t think anything can hurt this nation very much…not even atomic bombs!
Do you see what I mean? That’s why I’ve worked so hard putting this plan together. That’s why I was so careful to be truthful and sensible about everything we put in it. And that’s why I’ve kept the price as low as I possibly could — only $1.00 postpaid.
Now It’s Up To You!So, if you are one of our kind of people, if you would like to have the happiness and security of a little place in the country like ours, just fill in the coupon here and send it to me. When you get your Plan — by return mail — look it over. If you are disappointed in any way, if you don’t agree it’s the biggest dollar’s worth you ever saw in your life, put it right back in the package and return it to me. I’ll send you your dollar back and a dime for your postage. On the other hand, if you like it, and I’m sure you will, help me by showing it to your friends and getting them to start planning a “Have-More” Homestead also,
Yours for “a little land and a lot of living.”
Ed Robinson
Rich says
Speaking of Lyman Wood (who passed away about 10 years ago), he is the author of a great marketing book, “What a Way to Live and Make a Living: The Lyman P. Wood Story.” You can still pick up a copy via Amazon. I highly recommend it.
Lyman was the force between Troy Bilt Roto Tillers and Garden Way Publishing. They were fantastic marketers and their mailing pieces were consistently great. In later years, Lyman created a business incubator in Vermont for a number of different startups.
Every diehard marketer should have a copy of Lyman Wood’s book in their library.
Barry says
Very interesting Lawrence, thanks for sharing.
Just curious, but do you have any idea how well this ad pulled?
Seems like they offered quite a value for a buck…even though a buck had a lot more value back then.
Thanks in advance and always looking forward to your e-mails.
Alan Kirke says
Always enjoy your posts Lawrence love to print out the ads and read them in bed or at work.
I know could have a better hobby like collecting butterfly’s but i know this guy who collects ads what a wacko:).
Thanks Mate Alan Kirke Australia
admin says
Hey Rich,
I’m with you 100% about “What a Way to Live..” being required reading.
Lyman and his team may have been a long ways from the bright-lights-big-city, but they were real DM pros by anyone’s measure.
Did you see this ad?
Greetings Barry,
As far as I know, there were hundreds of insertions for the ad and they made quite a bit of cash on the front end with plenty of Country Bookstore books to sell on the back.
Alan, you must be joking. I don’t know anyone like that, mate.
Brent small business trainer says
In my crowded inbox there is one email I always read. It brings me enlightenment and entertainment.
I find nuggets of lost information and inspiration for future marketing efforts.
Lawrence, I can only add my gratitude for your efforts to the accolades of the other readers of this blog.
John Mignano says
Hi Lawrence, I’m delighted to share in some of the best kept strategies and secrets with you. Thanks so much for showing mere mortals all these seemingly miracles of transforming content, each one a blueprint for success.
Sarah Clachar says
Lawrence, I just happened to dip into your email today and it was just what I needed. I’ve been searching for some clarity and inspiration for a campaign I’m working on this and this ad is exactly the kind of swipe I needed. I had read Lyman Wood’s book a while back but forgotten about this promotion.
Thank you for having the perfect swipe for me today.
Rick Wilson says
lawrence, while I loved this excellent copywriting gem, I also have to comment on the front end to this piece. It was a great piece of writing that pulled me into the story and provided value itself. Thanks for your wonderful work.
Lawrence Bernstein says
Good point, Rick. Lyman Wood was a great all around writer and the ad shows this.
Lawrence Bernstein says
Hi Sarah, thanks for the unintended mental jogger. Just pulled the book off the shelf and now staring at the lush Vermont country on the front cover of “What a Way to Live… and Make a Living” … a benefit in itself!
Jen Brannstrom says
Beautiful example Lawrence, came at aexactly the right time too!
This blog certainly is a goldmine.
Peter Daley says
I really appreciate the work you put into providing these ads.
Any chance you have the actual product: “Have-More” Plan ?
Having the ads is great.
Having the product(s) they promote would be even better.
Ruben says
I’m really glad you are ‘reviving’ your older posts. As a new subscriber, there’s only so much I can read on the screen in one sitting, and the busyness of life often gets in the way.
Lawrence Bernstein says
Sure thing, Ruben and thanks.