Here’s Victor Schwab’s ad for Frank Bettger’s landmark book: How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling.
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…that’s the amazing personal story FRANK BETTGER tells you clearly, simply, step by step in his great book, “How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling.” Says DALE CARNEGIE, “When I met Frank Bettger at 29, he was nearly down-and-out. . . Then something
happened that raised him from defeat and despair. I know. I saw it happen. I saw him rise from a total failure to become one of the foremost salesmen in the nation.”
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Yes, Frank Bettger tells you how any salesman can double or triple his income, turn disappointments into triumphs, close a greater percentage of sales, and make more sales calls each day. He gives precise directions on how to multiply your earning power … PRACTICAL, PROVEN techniques on the art of selling … of getting others to do what you want them to. Remember, this is the same information Mr. Bettger is paid $250 a day to teach other men. But let’s take a look at some of the success secrets you’ll find in this great book:
- One Thing I Did That Helped Me Destroy the Biggest Enemy I Ever Had to Face.
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- I Was Welcome Everywhere When I Did This.
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